MERAPI : One of the World’s Most Active Volcanoes

Living in the shadows of active volcanoes is like sitting on a time bomb, especially when one of them is called Fire Mountain or Gunung Merapi in Indonesian language. Merapi is one of some 500 volcanoes in Indonesia, of which at least 129 are considered active. It lies in one of Indonesia’s most densely populated regions, and is only a few kilometres from the sultanate of Yogyakarta. Despite frequently giving out smoke, the mountain still attracts hikers and climbers. It takes 5 hours to climb up and 3 hours to return.

How to Get There:
From Yogyakarta, go further North to Kaliurang hill resort by public transport or by car. Kaliurang stands at 900 m on the slopes of Merapi.

The Best Season to Visit: May to September every year.

1 komentar:

  1. RAJA GHAZALI mengatakan...

    joga sejuta kenangan yang membekas dalam hidupku, 18 tahun lalu sudah saya tinggalakan ia, selama itu pula saya tak pernah lagi datang ke jogja, sudah jauh sekali perbedaannya dengan masa lalu ku sewaktu menuntut ilmu di kota jogja.
    Dulu saya pernah berjalan kaki dari Taman Siswa ke Gunung Merapi ini, inilah pengalaman yang paling berkesan sekali, juga pernah jalan kaki dari Taman Siswa ke Parang Teritis, wow.... memang mengesankan sekali... kini ia hanya tinggal kenangan yang membekas dalam perjalanan hidupku, sukses selalu buat anda yang sedang menuntut ilmu di kota jogja.....  


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